Sunday 15 December 2013

I know, I know... more than 1 month has passed since I posted something.

I could start with my usual explanations why I have been absent for so long but I am sure we all know it. Believe me I have missed posting my thoughts into the blogosphere! and how many brainstorms I have had!

Have I mentioned how many things have happened this year, in 2013, and how much I have grow? I m sure we all feel the same, somehow.

As I believe I do have to pratice more gratitude towards life in general I decided to write about 2013 today, since December is the last month of 2013, and because they say we change with our birthday's and not with New Year's Eve and my birthday is coming, let's pratice gratitude and welcome a new charpter of my life! So, sit back, relax and enjoy the gratitude journal as I encourage you to do the same.


Affff, let me breathe first. There are so many things I am grateful for in my life and in 2013.
It has been a difficult and transforming year for sure with a lot of decisions and feelings inside myself. Doubts, fears, decisions, tears, smiles, lautgher... everything has been here! The road have been difficult lately, I should say but I'm grateful for the obstacules, for the experiences, for the love and for the happiness as well. Everything has made me grow, even though sometimes I can't see it clearly or shortly as I wished.

I am grateful for my family, my friends and my pets - I do appreciate all of them, their well being, health and protection.
I am grateful for being healthy and having a warm place where to sleep at night and be on my own. I do need my personal space specially at night where I can pray, meditate and be on my own with God.
I am grateful for not giving up of anything I believe is for me. This is my weakest point where I can start crying... I have been tested in so many ways along the road (especially because I like to control events, what can happen, what can't happen and most of the time (all the time) it's a waste of time). Those tests I believe life has giving me always give 2 choices, either I'd give up and be rational and someone I am not and not happy or I'd continue following what I believe is for me, for my soul, even though with difficulties and hold on to the faith that everything will come in the right time.
I chose the second. It ressonates with my heart. Is all of who I am.
I have been giving baby leaps of faith, following my heart desires and what I believe God has sent to me. It hasn't been easy, I had doubts, I doubted myself sometimes in the path but I realized that it's part of the process of getting up and getting stronger in our hearts and faith. Sometimes we fall down and everything is apart so that everything will get together one day in the right time, at its own time. Our mission will only be "waiting", which is the most difficult for me. Though I believe within my whole being that when the right time comes everything will be even more amazing that what you have ever dreamed.
So be patient and be grateful. I AM!

I am grateful for travelling all over the world. It is exhausting to do it in a daily basis but gave such an experience: human, social, cultural etc that I could never had if I didn't decide to leave my country 2 years and 6 months ago! I am absolutely grateful for doing so. I am grateful for the courage I had to leave everything behind. Today, I am absolutely different and I prioritize other things. I value quality time and I follow my dreams. I discovered, and still discovering, with who I can count with and who I just can't. Some people will always project themselves and their lives on you "yeah it was the same with me", "oh no, don't do it, come on why should you do it? (about following a dream)".
Well, that's what I believe: even the most insane, crazy or whatever dream you have, if it ressonates with your soul, you better go for it! Really, go for it! I did it... some people didn't understand because it doesn't make sense in their minds. But guess what.... eventually dreams make sense in the heart, not necessarily in the mind at the first sight and not in other people's minds for sure. That why is called MY dream and not YOUR dream. So, seriously, do you have a dream inside the drawer? People around and your friends don't like it? That's their problem... are you harming someone? I guess you are not. The only person you will harm if you don't chase your dream is yourself... don't let yourself die and make yourself happy.
Eventually what happened was that I stop talking about my dream with some friends to realize the ones who were supporting me and giving unconditional love and loving me for what I am and what I want.
 They are the friends I want to keep. And believe me, my dream is only mine. None of them wanted this dream. They just sat and said "ok, go for it" and stand beside me. That's priceless!
They empowered me instead of putting me down.

My flatmate - she is the best ever (and she doesn't know I have a blog and I'm writing about her ehehehe).
Life goes smoothly living with her. There is not even a single sign of headache here, just respect for each other's private space, companionship, friendship and a fabulous harmonious life at home where support at the end of the day is present. I couldn't have better flatmate. I am so grateful I moved 1 year ago!

Dance - always! Dancing as my life, my air, my soul.
Me and my friend/dancer Cris Aysel, made it possible again and we sucessfully had a fantastic festival - East Fest Lisbon Portugal 2013. Oriental dance is getting better and better every year in my country and I am happy I/we can contribute for it every year with the festival. Organizing, teaching, dancing in 3 days is a chaos but a beautiful and fullfilling chaos! Amazing instructors, artists, special guests but above all beautiful people I've met and made my heart full. My performances were quite special for me. I chose particular songs which lyrics I knew and danced with all my heart and soul. Some people felt goosebumps with one of my performances, others almost cried, it was indeed very special and it blew up my heart - to know I am touching other's heart and people can feel what I felt while dancing. Some people personally told me their impressions of it and everything is just so warming and heartfully.... <3 nbsp="" p="">

Grateful as well for my intuition and for all the signs and messages the Divine has been giving me. I am terrible blessed and I am so much grateful for that.
When I less expect a message comes to hold my heart and give me strenght. It is difficult sometimes to deal with my anxiety when I know something really GOOD is in its way but it is a lesson I have to learn, to wait for the right moment/time and honestly, I wouldn't change it for anything. Having faith sometimes is to believe when everything seems unknown. So, here I am. Believing, keeping the faith. Not giving up and trusting.

Happy and trilled for seeing all my friends with babies or pregnants coming to see me in the oriental dance festival. Happy for their beautiful babies that come to the world to bless us with their light and happy to see beautiful families being built based in unconditional love. I'm proud of being your friend and I'm in absolutely joy of seeing such beautiful life projects! I love you ALL <3 comment-3--="">

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