Sunday 26 February 2012

I have been working a lot and time has been less to write altought I feel an enormous will to do it.

Lately I've been going through a lot of stressing moments, situations and problems to solve. I allowed myself to have a break of 2 days off outside the country I live where I'll meet very dear friends and hopefully, alone and with them I'll come out fresh and new, stronger than ever.

Heading off to the airport with this one within my heart, filling my cells and my soul:

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Too much happening in my life and too many things to process lately...

Another day I was talking with a friend and we just realized that some people when reaching a good position in their jobs (in their country or abroad) completely forget from where they came from and they are consumed by the power. For me it's very sad seeing this happening and unfortunately I've seen a bit of it!
Thanks God, I don't forget from where I came from, who I am, my values... and I hope to be ALWAYS like that. Amen.

Sunday 12 February 2012

I just accepted some days ago

That I will LOVE you for the rest of my LIFE and it's ok.

I will LOVE you every minute of my existence because you are part of my SOUL and it's ok.

Even if we are not meant to meet this life anymore, I just want to say that I will wait for you my next life or another next lives to come. I wait for you, for us, to be ready and one.
You are PART of me and I love you unconditionally. And it's ok.
I surrender. I can't do anything to make you close to me. You are already close to me in my heart and soul. Forever. It was written by the stars and all the Angels. And it's ok if we can't be together this lifetime. It has to be ok. I love you deeply. And it's ok.

I have been diving into dark and reflexive moments lately.
I have been thinking and struggling with my unknown sadness for some long but I realized that these moments are priceless and precious as they awake us to something!
I have been fine, I just have been very honest with myself to recognize that something is wrong. I have been praying, holding to my faith and being in silence. Silence is a very powerful tool to heal our wounds and I'm taking it fully so I can also heal myself.

It's definitely time to heal.

Monday 6 February 2012

Ideas and subjects to post are always flowing in my mind but sometimes I just don't have time to write everything and then I tend to forget!

Lately I've been thinking what makes you to get along with some people who turn into your friends and what's the recipe to get a good relationship with someone.

Of course there's no recipes at all, you just try everyday to be better or do better in the relationship and that's the only way you can discover what works for you or not.

During all my teen period I always said that it doesn't matter if you agree 100% with the person about one subject but as long as you two have the same life style then things can work. So, I have been saying this since I was teenager and I still say the same. Actually I can't expect people to think like me and have the same opinion but I just realized, now even more, that what makes you closer to a person is your values.
The most interesting part is that you can find the same values you have in another cultures or nationalities sometimes without realizing it. The Universe is extremelly generous with you when you are blessed with such good friends from different parts of the world and when you look deep you can see how much you have in common!