Monday 19 April 2010

I'm almost, almost, almost... flying

Oh, my body cells are jumping of happiness... I can even sing in english, spanish, french...

I'm totally crazy!!!!
Like I was in this show
One of the most important things in my life are my friends..
what defines a good friendship? Oh, we all know that in the middle of our journey we will have a discussion or we won't like something. For me, It's absolutely normal.
All kind of relations are like a game. I send you the ball, you receive and decide how do you want to send me back. Then, you send the ball and I receive and decide how I want to send it back...
The responsibility of a friendship (and other kind of relationship) is shared between 2 persons... You just can play "the game of communication" with another person.
But, what defines a good friendship? Well, in my point of view I already had some discussions with friends that are really my friends and when we have a problem with something which we didn't like, we sit down and talk about it. If you don't say "I didn't like this" then anything will change. If you don't discuss it to improve your friendship (because communication it's necessary) then it's because you assume that that friendship doesn't worth... and it's up to you.
All discussions or bad moments that I had with my friends I decided to sit down and discuss about "what's wrong/what I/you didn't like" and we resolved the "problem", because, I consider that in a friendship and all relations we need to communicate!
Without communication there isn't any kind of relation.
Friendships can be better if you communicate.
If we don't communicate... then... what it's left? if you don't show what it's wrong your friend can't guess. And this is valid for all relationships.
I'm not trying to convince anyone about this. I'm just expressing my opinion about communication and relationships in general.

Thursday 15 April 2010

I'm flying high... high... high

The 1st Bellydance Festival in Portugal was surprisingly intense, good, magic... everything!
Tiredness, smiles, tears, good energy, rhythms... good people! Life is really really funny.

God Knows what He Does, Really!! What I won was more than I expected with the Festival... I won more than professional experience, I won friends... that ones that we really call friend! and it filled my heart. words can't describe it!
I'm still trying to assimilate what I lived these last days, the good and less good things but I'm quite happy. Everything has a meaning. I believe that and I'm feeling changed.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

There are some days completely unexpected.
To sum up,
I'm running like crazy to carry out all tasks that I (still) have to do till and for the Festival.
Meetings, details, sew some dance clothes and deal with unexpected situations (oh, it was tough today!). Fortunately I stayed quiet like a person in the audience and could see clearly that the wind is blowing in other direction and maybe, maybe it's really time to change!
Free, Soft and Happy. I'm always trying to remind myself this 3 words from Brahma Kumaris :)
Leave your burden for a while. Why are you carrying it?

Monday 5 April 2010

East Fest Lisbon 2010 - SHOW
After all we have a venue for our show!
9th April 2010 in Teatro Armando Cortez/Casa do Artista (Lisbon)
9.30 pm
Prices: 15€
Are you going to miss this beautiful show with all our international and national artists?

Sunday 4 April 2010

You find God in Silence.
You find yourself in Silence.
You experience your essence in Silence.
Leave your useless thougths behind
Fill your Soul with God's Love
Don't forget to Give Him a Good Morning
Be Free, Be Gentle, Be Happy