Wednesday 4 September 2013

Something to remember everyday....

by Laura Silva.

"It's okay to have another cookie, wake up just
a little late, or even skip an exercise
session or two.

But don't ever, ever, EVER...

Question your own abilities.

Let me remind you of the 6 steps to a better you:

1. Exercise: I also call it getting your heart beat up.
Make sure in the morning you do at least 30 minutes that
pumps you up and makes you feel awake from the inside.

2. Commit to something you think you can't: pick one thing,
only one, which might give a small result but take one thing

3. Imagine you talking to Patrick about it, tell Patrick why you
can't do it. Sit right next to him and have a conversation
with him. Listen to his answers.

4. Visualize your Outcomes: Build an image on your mental
screen of how you would achieve what you desire

5. Take Action: If it is about changing your job, pick your
computer and make that CV. If its relationship, take your
partner out for dinner and talk it out. Start small but START.

6. Celebrate the results: As you would see you would already
start achieving. Now go out and CELEBRATE. It is important,
you have to go out and cherish every second of it."

This message from Laura Silva, the founder of the Silva method, made a special sense to me... I just put in BOLD so the message would get clear, for me and for you! Lately, I 've been questioning my own abilities and believe me - it's not good! Going deep down in not trusting yourself and trusting others instead, believe me, I've been there and it's the WORSE mistake we can make. Anyway... we learn from mistakes, they say, and it's true... I decided to let go, whatever the others say. Even though I wasn't so into what others think sometimes we let people (who we thought to be our friends) speak.
Lately I don't even give space anymore for others (supposed friends once again) to tell me their opinion or know things about me because I realized... most of the people will talk based on their stories, their believes and will not give you a "supportive" word to you in a not judgemental way (unfortunatelly)... they will tell you THEIR story and not yours... so keep away from negativity and follow the 6 steps as I do the same!

Enjoy the ride and listen to your heart... and when it gets noisy (oh, it's so noisy lately...), close your ears, take a deep breathe and smile! You are the master of your own life, nobody else.
Everything will be okay. TRUST.