Monday 31 December 2012

A wonderful article about closing charperts in your life - perfect for the new year to come!

(In portuguese)

Sunday 16 December 2012

Since I moved country I never paied so much attention to love as now.

I guess living in a country where you see people selling their souls for luxury and poverty and luxury walk side by side at the same time makes your mind change. I always said and assumed that it's not because I stay in 5* hotels due my job that I'll be rude to someone on the street or working or serving me in a restaurant. Actually I turned into a much simple person as I admire everybody in its job or dutty and recognise (much better now) how much difficult sometimes it can be to deal with people.

Lately I concluded, based on what I encountered so far, that we have 2 types of love (regarding love between woman - man):

- The love of your life/your soulmate, the one that unites.

- The love that can work; You are getting old or you are still young and you want to have a family, a house, kids etc. You can't find your soulmate but actually you found out someone who wants the same as you and  you see that the relationship can work. You are not madly in love but things can work because after all you both have the same desire of having a family.

Through all the people who beautifully shared their experiences and life with me, without knowing how much they were adding to my heart and knowledge... I concluded about love!

Maybe I am a dreamer and a romantic, risking being single but I still believe and want to continue to believe in true love/soulmates. If I'm a dreamer I'm sure I'm not the only one...

Friday 7 December 2012

I try. I really try...

I try to get to know new people, I go out and I laugh. I mix with all kind of people, I really do but even if I try more than a thousand times I just can´t stand prejudiced people. I just can´t!
And so I give up. I give up of being with people with who I don´t feel good and don´t serve my high purpose. I don´t bend to be someone who I´m not. 
I´m not prejudiced. In instance my name is Love & Tolerance.
And so it is.

I walk away from stupidity like crazy!
Sometimes I just get fed up..... it is too much!

Saturday 1 December 2012

Working like a real workaholic!

Sometimes, I have periods of time, in my life, where I work non stop... with full power, full heart, full body, full mind, to accomplish my deadlines. This is one of THAT periods! Sleeping less, going to bed in the morning and always, always, always with one song playing in my head giving space for new ideas of steps crossing it all over. For those who don´t know yet, I´m teaching 2 oriental dance workshops in Portugal, as well as, a debate about arabic culture called "What the Middle East taught me".

The infos are below in the website (oh yeah... and I got a website!)... till then, a lot of work: steps and feelings await me to compose them in an unique piece of art!

PLUS, Patricia Bernardo, a recognized professional tarot reader will answer your questions on 16th December from 18h at the same place! I personally do recommend one appointment with her!

See you ALL there :)